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Family Ties

As we enter the new year, everyone asks... "How were your holidays?!"  This year I wasn't sure how to respond, as it was much like any other holiday, but in many ways it felt very different. In broad terms, we are in a moment in our lives where we have parents that are getting older while our children are beginning to spread their wings.  It makes you reflect on the journey of ones entire lifetime and in our case the fortune of having great relationships with the families from which we came... and the family we've created. In the work we do, we have the opportunity to connect with so many families and it means the world to us that we can have such a sustainable impact on their lives creating the homes they inhabit every day.   Like this Jersey City brownstone where a wonderful (and patient!) family with two little kids were able to move into their new (or is it old?!) home near Van Vorst Park just days before Christmas morning. To get photos of them settling into thei...

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